TRAIN TO BUSAN is a harrowing zombie horror-thriller that follows a group of terrified passengers fighting their way through a countrywide viral outbreak, trapped on a suspicion-filled, blood-drenched bullet train ride to the Safe Zone, which may or may not still be there.
Last night, I watched "Train to Busan" streamed on Amazon. It cost $5; well worth it. It's the best zombie movie I have seen in a long time. Zombie enthusiasts will want to know, these are "fast zombies." Also, the zombie virus appears to kill mammals and reanimate the corpses. One interesting twist is the zombies can't see well in the dark. I've always thought that would be the case in a "real" zombie apocalypse because dead eyes aren't going to dilate or focus. Also, these zombies are stupid in the extreme. Too stupid to open doors. They're biting, running machines. Zombie movies are often allegories for something: Consumerism, terrorism, etc. "Train to Busan" is a study in selfishness. In other words, in a crisis, some people are quite selfless, and others are quite selfish.In this movie, the higher up in status people are, they tend to be more selfish. So, the main character is a fund manager who is VERY selfish. But he does care about his very young daughter, who is extremely unselfish. This humanizes him, and allows him to succeed and grow. But the highest status person is the CFO of a transport company. He's on the train, and he is extremely selfish. And it shapes and warps his reactions to everything.
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